Saturday 13 September 2014

The Spring Fair 2014. Fun and exhaustion.

The Spring Fair had come around once again. My children love it and look forward to it each year. This year I had to go it alone with all five, which I must admit was a bit daunting. Big crowds in places that the kids are not entirely familiar with always worries me a little. It's easy for a child to get drawn away for a second and get lost in a crowd.

So to start the day I used the usual phone number trick. That's right, I use permanent marker to write my mobile number on each child's arm. They have all been trained to go to the nearest retail outlet/shop and ask to call me. I have also answered the various 100 or so associated what if questions too. Therefore this step was rather easy today.

The 50+ minute drive there went by uneventfully, Daisy sleeping part of it, the others content to listen to music or do activities they had brought with them.

Once there, we started with rides. Just one each this time. We have bought armbands in the past but it's hard to manage with only one parent and 4 children wanting different rides. I figured we were in Queensland in the last school holidays so they have had plenty of rides recently.

Next the kids had a turn at one of the games, a dart throwing game. Jack won a whoopee cushion. He loved it.

We ate the usual sausage sandwiches, as well as the sandwiches I brought with me just in case. Next we moved on to visiting the animals, but ended up distracted by a baby crocodile on the way. My three eldest loved patting the croc, having done this earlier in the year.

The kids loved all of the animals, except my one animal avoider. She stood back trying to convince herself to like them, but did end up holding a chick. One step forward.

We then moved on to more food, and then shopping. I told them all they could choose to buy one thing within reason. Jack required a bit of negotiation, but Henry just chose the same thing as Jack. The girls spent what seemed like half an hour choosing one piece of $1 jewellery each, but they were entirely happy. No one was happy that I refused to buy something for Daisy.

We bought some beautiful looking cupcakes for afternoon tea with Daddy, and began making our way out. Over the day many friends got to meet the children they had only ever heard me speak about.

On our way out we visited the classic cars and then emergency vehicles display. Each child was able to sit in a police car (hopefully for the only time!) The walk back to the car seemed long, and all were glad when we made it there.

The drive home was extremely peaceful. Isabel asked one question. That's it! Most of the kids slept.

On returning home everyone was energised and ready to play after their rest. Except for me that is! I took the now wetter washing off the clothes line and put it in the dryer. After setting up two children to work on school projects, and tidying up, I found a few moments to have a cuppa and one of the cute little cakes we bought.

What a lovely, exhausting day. Hope you had a great Saturday too.x

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