Tuesday 7 July 2015

Holiday outdoor & art activity: mini garden & still-life painting

I can't take credit for this happening today at all. I have had a major room-organising thing going on and have also been focused on what I need to do for Lucy's up-coming birthday. I hoped the kids would just play today, with Craig and I stopping to play every once in a while.

They had other plans.

Isabel decided she wanted to make a mini garden like those we had seen together on Pinterest. I had planned to give them supplies to make gorgeous little gardens in pots for this Christmas, hence the pinning on Pinterest. Anyway, Izzy came and asked for a plastic plate and it snow balled from there. It turned out to be a wonderful activity for all the kids aged 2 to 12, which can be a tricky thing to do. As an added bonus I got an extended period of time with no dobbing. Love it.

Mini garden (as done entirely by my children with zero help)

  • Use any plate or small bowl. 
  • Fill with dirt or water (for water garden). 
  • Cut a disposable cup in half, fill with water (for a 'land' garden) and place on plate. 
  • Collect bits of plants, bark, stones etc from around the back/front yard. I saw an opportunity here and asked the kids to use as many beautiful flowering weeds as they could find (hehehe).
  • Arrange these in the mini garden.
  • Done. It is that simple. I love how they were all so intent on their own designs and no child was discouraged, because there was no 'wrong' way of doing it.

Painting the garden 

Again Isabel decided that as the gardens would not keep, it was necessary to paint a picture of them. The others quickly agreed and together they found and convinced me I needed to get paint out.

For this activity it is best to put the item right in front of the child so they can focus and paint it as accurately as possible. Our back table seems to be routinely covered in dirt from 'potion' or 'stew' making, so this didn't bother me at all. I already know the nice table I will be replacing it with when everyone is grown up and no one wants to paint and trash the backyard anymore.

I put paint into ice cube trays as usual, and breaking with tradition, I told them they would only be allocated one piece of paper this time (except Daisy because she always spills water on it). This was deliberate, as to encourage them to take more time and care. This was especially challenging for one, who is never happy with their work and led to the usual meltdown about imperfection, but surprisingly didn't last and instead led to refocus and problem solving (win!!)

All up the activity was a complete success. It was very open ended to allow for all ages, and relaxing for parents (as long as it is done outside). A great holiday activity!


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