Wednesday 1 October 2014

Isabel's hair donation. And realising that my child is more thoughtful than me.

It was a long time ago that I realised that Isabel was more thoughtful and kind than me. She always has been. When God created her it was definitely with an extra dash of empathy. She naturally thinks of others before herself and has an amazing ability to almost never offend anyone.

I remember one moment when Henry hurt himself in a minor way doing something I had told him not to. I was walking out the back door, ready to ask him if he now understood why I told him not to, but Isabel got there first. She sat Henry down and started with, "now Henry are you okay? I can see you are having a bit of a hard time following mummy's instructions….." That was the moment I knew that she would be a better mum than me one day, if she she decided to have kids. She often finds the right thing to say, when I struggle to keep my calm.

Like any personality, this presents many challenges too. It can take her a week to ask her teacher for a missed note, because she won't put her need ahead of others. It has been a challenge to get her to raise her hand in class to ask for help, because she looks around to see if someone else with their hand raised might need help more than her. Isabel also keeps her worries to herself all too often, only to melt down about the wrong hair elastic (it's never really about what its about.)

So I really wasn't surprised when she started talking about donating her hair (so they can be made into wigs for cancer patients.) She mentioned it in passing over and over. I skirted around the issue, thinking her hair was beautiful, and not wanting her to regret cutting it. Then one day she said, "mummy, you say that it's my body and my hair and I get to decide. I don't really need my hair, but there are other kids who do." Yep. I felt about 2cm tall at that moment. There before me was no longer a little girl, but a big girl who was capable of making her own decisions. Isabel had made a considered, thoughtful decision, and I needed to acknowledge and respect it.

So through a lovely friend I found out what we needed to do to make her decision a reality, which brings us to today. The day when I could not be prouder of her. It's not so much about the hair, but because of all she is, that led to it. I know many kids want to grow up to be like their parents. I am one that often looks at my children and hopes one day to be more like them.

Isabel asked if she could have a peach as a treat, since it was such a special day. I said yes.

My beautiful big girl.x

If you or someone you know would like to donate read more on Pantene Beautiful Lengths.


  1. What a beautiful sweet girl :)
    My 4yo sounds very similar in personality and temperament. I find her empathetic, patient and caring nature a rebuke several times each day!!!

    1. Yes, patient too! Definitely NOT my strongest attribute lol.x
