Saturday 14 March 2015

Autumn books for children. And why we pay attention to the seasons.

We talk a great deal about seasons in our home.

As each season draws to a close, a new one dawns, and I choose to recognise and celebrate it, with the kids. We are very mindful of the rhythm of life and all the new and wonderful things that are present in changes as they come our way. We choose to focus on the awesomeness of change because in reality, they world my children will be a part of in the future, will be one that is fluid and ever-changing. Seeing possibility rather than fear will be an asset.

Understanding that life is ever moving and changing is also more than important for children. Actually it's something that I need to be often reminded of. It is far too easy to feel a difficult moment or period of time will last forever. It generally doesn't. But this is a very difficult concept to teach children. And so we look at the natural rhythms in life and all the new possibilities each new season brings. We focus on changes good and bad and ones that we don't even notice, and the impact that they have. At the same time discussing how fleeting some of these affects can be. The seasons - life - moves on and soon we face a new season and change again.

We talk about how different people around our world experience seasons differently, and can respond differently as well. But then I love any opportunity to talk about how we are all different to my little ones. Understanding that some people find cold/hot weather more difficult to withstand than others, can be a small beginning in the development of empathy for a young child. Understandings of big topics often don't come all at once, taught at school. Understandings, empathy and kindness build over time, moments added to moments. This is just one small way to build into this.

You have all read by now that I believe there are never enough hugs or stories. It is almost always my answer if a moment, or even a day, just can't be saved. So I guess it is only natural that my jumping off point for each new season would be stories. Books! How I love thee! Often they are followed with much talk, exploring our natural environment and then finally creative endeavours. These creative moments can vary significantly from art projects to the things like the pear-tree tee-pee.

I will let you in on Autumn's creative adventures after the fact, soonish. For now, these are a quick collection of our Autumn books. There are more, but some are not in our main children's book case, and this is plenty for my children for now. "Guess how much I love you, in the Autumn" is one that the kids love, but alas, someone has it somewhere. It will turn up.

My favourite Autumn book is below. I had the same book as a child. I was thrilled to get the four book set from the Book Depository! The kids love them.

Best toddler board book:

Best interactive book (great for reluctant readers or active children):

Love the "Bear" books. Each one is set in a different season.

Just an awesome book that happens to be set in Autumn. Great for helping children to acknowledge the different strengths others have.

New readers love the simplicity of this book. While not really Autumn, the colours remind us of Autumn.

Isabel's all time favourite book (part of Eloise Wilkin collection):

Yes we have LOTS of squirrel books. Lucy adores them.

The BEST overall seasons book that I read all the time:

The second best:

And this is a lovely seasons book too (part of a Little Golden Book collection):

All together, placed on some Autumn themed fabric, the collection looks like this:

Not too many to feel overwhelming, but enough collected together to encourage interest. The kids have now seen them and have already begun to collect natural items in readiness for the next step.

They recognise the rhythm of our home.

Love it.


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