Sunday 8 February 2015

Update: the girls room. Bunk beds and space!!! Love it.

We put the bunk bed together a while ago. It was toward the end of the school holidays so Craig and I insisted it was a two person job. It may have been so we could hide away from the kids for a while. Maybe.

Today I finally put the room together properly, sparked by the girls sudden insistence that all the Lego brand Lego had to be rotated out of their room and into storage in favour of the Hello Kitty lego and some of the Sylvania Families toys. I don't usually make them clean up their rooms, but rather get them to do other jobs that they are much more efficient with completing while I clean their rooms. Today however, because I had a terrible head ache this morning, I asked and insisted they get rid of all the rubbish and finish sorting the unmade Lego into the coloured containers (that they just had to have.) Craig took the kids out together to visit 'pebble beach' for some collecting, as he will be on afternoon shift for the next week. I gave me plenty of time to clean, rotate toys and arrange.

This is the result!

The girls received these doll houses for Christmas.

Seeing the quilts I made them from their baby clothes always makes me smile.

The little red boxes contain their special wooden dolls (inspired by Waldorf ideas.) These are still loved and played with over a year after the boxes were given to them. The girls like to create new outfits for the little dolls.

Oh my, how I love seeing the girls in love with their sewing baskets! These were must-keep-out items according to the girls:) We are still working on the putting-away-of-dangerous-items.

I'm still in love with the lamp I made for them so many months ago. It was lots of fun to make too.

Nothing really changed in their wardrobe, apart from the fact that it looks messy at the moment (I refuse to put their clothes away) but at some point I will need to do something about it to fit Daisy's clothes in.

This is where Daisy's cot will eventually go. For the moment it will be home to the Sylvanian treehouse.

I'm so very happy with this room now. It works much better than the previous redo of their room. And the girls adore the new layout and 'new' toys. To be completely honest though, they get excited about anything and everything. A new ream of paper for example. So it wasn't really a challenge to get their approval. What do you think?


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