Saturday 7 February 2015

Saturday. A photo story of family, celebrating, great food, and a spontaneous beach adventure.

Today was a great day. It was full of good things: family, celebrating, yummy food, and a beach adventure ending in soaking wet clothes, sand everywhere and happy relaxed smiles. So I thought I would share. I have a feeling Saturdays are going to be my favourite this year.

Here is our day:)

Off we go to the Christening of my nephew Leo. Note: we were on time! We even remembered to pack the present! BUT in fairness and honesty and all that, we did forget to bring the magical card that pays for things. Which we didn't actually realise until we tried to make a super quick stop at Officeworks on the way from Christening to the after party. So still no good contact. I tried book plastic. Or should I say covered one book with it, only to wake to the rest used as something (I still don't understand, but apparently a very good game) Henry invented. And I tried the newsagent contact. I will not use it again. So it looks like 5 kids and I will have to buy some tomorrow. That is after finding the clean house that exists under the mess.


Izzy having a go at Greek dancing.

Grandpa is just so funny!

Lucy becoming tired and Daisy looking at all the balloons.

Oh, my, how sweet is Daisy in this Collette Dinnigan dress!

My lovely collecting-treasures-always girl loved the pressed flower picture on the wall and wanted a pic.

Leo is so loved!

I honestly have hardly any photos of the boys because they moved the entire time we were there. With lots of other kids around they had a ball!

As we left the street of the party, we had to turn left due to the 'no-right-turn' sign. It makes me smile thinking about how many memories are made from necessary detours. Heading in the opposite direction of home Jack asked if we could go to the beach later, answering "perhaps" as we headed in the direction of our favourite beach. I turned to Craig and said the beach was a couple of minutes away, so why not just go? 'Why not?' tends to be a question leading to more fun than 'why?' So we went to the beach.

And that was our Saturday. Full to the brim with happy. I hope your was too. What did you get up to?


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