Thursday 13 November 2014

DIY: the ultimate craft box for 3 to 6 year olds. Encouragement for my reluctant crafter.

Henry doesn't love craft the same way as my other children do. He doesn't seek out craft items or barter for pieces of recycling. He is in fact the only child in the house who can reliably take the recycling to the bin without hiding bits and pieces on the way there for later use. He does however like to do crafts that are organised for him. Especially ones that are not going to make a big mess. Sticky tape is one of his favourite things.

I have therefore created this 'Ultimate 3-6yrs craft box' for him. It is bound to encourage even the most reluctant crafter. And best of all, the contents can all be shoved neatly placed back in the box at the end of craft time.

You will notice that this box has been designed to encourage the use of fine motor skills. While many parents are quick to teach children to count or learn the alphabet, fine motor skills can sometimes be ignored. The ability to manipulate scissors, glue, pencils, pens, and other small objects is very important in the lead up to school. I would definitely encourage parents to provide experiences focusing on fine motor skills, like craft or play doh among other things, wherever possible. This is just one way to create an activity box that is fun, as well as being easy to get out and clean up afterwards.

What to include:

Cards and envelopes
Coloured paper
Corrugated cardboard
Shiny paper
Stapler and staples
Watercolour paint tray set
Paper doilies
Pipe cleaners
Masking tape
Washi tape
Road tape
Small pom poms
Crepe paper streamers
Paddlepop sticks
Wool in different colours/textures
Scraps of ribbon and lace
Alphabet stickers
Foam stickers
Patty cake cases
Tissue paper

Other possible inclusions (we already have these items):

Precut shapes
Glue or glue stick
Coloured paper and/or card cut into different shapes (for example: small triangles or squares)

This finished craft box:

While this box is perfect for 3 to 6 year olds, older and younger children have different needs. For children aged 7 to 12 years a perfect craft box can be found here.



  1. Jen, I think this post is great! We have a similar collection, but ours is far less organized. �� We also have different pasta noodles and googly eyes.

    1. Thank you. I added goggly eyes after writing this post. I accidentally put two sets in the box I made for his older sister (that I wrote a post about a couple of days later.) I can't believe I forgot them- they are always used up very quickly around here!:)

    2. Oh yes, I read that post too ;) excellent. Definitely stamps. :) I forgot Beads! We also have lots of beads (letters & animals).
