Saturday 15 November 2014

Creating the best-ever craft box for 7-12 year olds. The perfect gift for a creative older child.

Isabel adores craft of any kinds. She loves sewing, knitting and she knows all about the different kinds of glue.

When I carefully explain the categories of gifts that were being given this year, her first response (after attempting to add additional categories) was to comment on the design-a-present: "Mine has to be about art or craft." I replied that it was mummy and daddy's decision but we would take her views into consideration. For a child who had been chosen for a special art group at school this year, of course her design-a-gift was going to have this focus! But I had to keep it a surprise. She is really going to love it!

I started with a simple, inexpensive, shallow box that I would be happy to have sitting on our shelves within plain sight. I purchased one identical to Henry's (ultimate craft box for 3-6yrs.) Although some of the inclusions are the same, overall they are very different. As Isabel is extremely patient, Henry often chooses to do sitting-down-quietly activities with her. I know that giving them gifts that look similar (even if just on the outside) will be an encouragement to both of them.

Items to include:

Shiny, fluro, and/or coloured paper
Corrugated card in various colours
Patterned cards
Plain coloured cards and envelopes
'Brown paper' cards and envelopes
Jewel stickers
Letter stickers
Tiny pegs
Ric-a-rack (zig-zag-like ribbon/tape)
Good quality paint brushes
Various colours and widths of ribbons
'Ball' edging in a few different colours
Craft punches in more than one shape (often used for scrap-booking)
Gold or silver tinted leaf skeletons
Washi tape (patterned, gold, silver, glitter)
Lace, both gathered and flat types
Googly eyes
Buttons (large variety)
Premade little flowers
Proper artist sketching pencils
Jute twine
Fabric (here I have used pre-cut squares)
Crepe paper streamers
Biased binding
Patty pan cases
A small container to add the easily-lost items to

Isabel will also be given a lovely watercolour paint set from IKEA

Other possible inclusions (we already had these):

Old fashioned wooden pegs
Glue (especially craft glue rather than paper glue)
Sticky tape and dispenser
Sharpies textas (Costco has a great coloured set)
Coloured gel pens (my kids love the Smiggle brand best)
Other stickers
A small canvas
Pieces of coloured plastic 'contact'
Felt in a few colours
Good scissors (not just paper scissors)
Embroidery thread
Sewing needles
Beads in various shapes and sizes
Thin elastic
Scrapbook (regular or more grown up version)
White paper- giving a ream of paper with this gift would be awesome. It would be like permission to create without boundaries. Many children are afraid of using everything up so will hold off experimenting.

This kit can be used to make cards, create scrapbooks (with the addition of a proper scrapbook,) painting, making artworks using different mediums (think Jeannie Baker,) sketching, and making many amazing creations. I can imagine Isabel will probably use some of the items from this box with her sewing kit and the craft items we already have (listed above) to make wooden fairies, felt people etc.

I am completely happy with this box and know she will hours of fun with it. I hope this has given you lots of ideas too.

For a craft box designed for younger children: 3-6 year olds here.



  1. Where do you buy these items you have listed Jen. Spotlight? or various retailers? Irene

    1. Kmart scrapbooking section for many items. I also bought the special paper, paints and paint brushes from IKEA. The patty pan cases and streamers were from Coles. The ball edging was from a craft supplier, like Spotlight but a smaller store. The pencils were from Woolworths. I liked the small pack. The box itself was the biggest bargain: 2 for $2.95 from Howards Storage world. Hope that helps!
