Thursday 24 July 2014

One day I'll look back......

I look back. I do. At all the good, bad and in-between-just-doing-everyday bits. I judge myself. I silently give myself high fives. At times I want to go back. Sometimes I want to forget. Other times I'm afraid I will forget. And I then realise: all I do now will become memories, in a future I know nothing about.

What will grandmother-me think, when she remembers the me-of-right-now? Will she remember laughing at Daisy learning to blink? Will she remember Henry's sweet quiet voice saying "I missed you today, Mummy," so no one else could hear? Will she remember the girls' squeals as they showered (and the yelling that followed)? Will she remember the promising scent of dinner cooking, mixed with the baby scent of shampoo and soap, as a little one snuggled into her side without a word?

Will she remember alone?

Today I read about a village. The village we are often told it takes to raise a child. A village unlike anything that exists in my world. What struck me was the thought that these fictional villagers would one day look back and share memories together. A group of mums, who together have seen it all, helped each other through, and can now reminisce about the sweetest and hardest of times.

Well, I want in.

I want to be part of a village. A village where support exists regardless of agreement. A village where high school pettiness is long gone and is instead replaced with nodding and I-know-exactly-how-you-feel-s. A village where crying or laughing together happens alongside genuine you-REALLY-can-do-this encouragement and the sharing of wisdom that can only be gained through experience. A village of women who want to look back one day together and know they made the most amazing memories possible. And better yet, they have shared them with each other.

So this is it. A place where I will share with you. I will share my life, my family, my how-I-make-it-work-s, my hopes and my failures, honestly and without regret. And you can share with me. And everyone else who decides to join us. A group of mums who will know they aren't alone. Unless they want to be. And even then can be silently supported and applauded in all they do. Especially if what they want to do involves showering alone or having a cuppa without interruption.

Let's look to the future and back to now and make a decision to do this thing called motherhood together.

I'm all in.x


  1. This is awesome Jen. Can not wait to hear more.

  2. It's exactly how I feel. Such a great post. Thanks for sharing . :)

    1. Thank you:) If you would like to see more comments from other mums, more replied on the Facebook page (same title as the blog). I tend to post directly to the FB page often.x

  3. Love this- as a mummy of three I often sit and think the same x

    1. I think many mums do. It's just something in us that wants to connect and be with other mums. Thanks for commenting.x

  4. Great that you posted your link in the mom blog to money community...which led me to your site. I can associate with what you wrote above. I am looking forward to more of your blogs.

  5. Thank you May. Such a lovely thing to say. I'm loving getting to know people from all around the world. It's amazing that as mums we can be living so far apart, yet experiencing the same things.x
