Wednesday 30 September 2015

Tulips, views and a dam. Holiday ideas shared.

The last day of September has turned out to be my favourite!

This is a photo journal of our day.

Bowral: Tulip time.

An hour away from home, we visited Bowral to see the mass planting of tulips and other flowers. It was a great spring outing. The kids were excited at first, but a few began to get bored, until suddenly someone found a lady beetle. They were entertained for a long time finding the cute little bugs, watching them crawl all over and eventually fly away.

Daisy refused to have a photo with the whole family: "only mummy." #loved 

 "Quick mum, take a picture!"

My sensory girl:)

"Give it to me!!!" The toddler anthem.

Bowral Lookout

A picnic, a short walk and a lookout. The "watch for sheer cliffs" signs scared me a bit, but we were fine.

"I want mummy hold my hand."

"We need this seat mum."

Otherwise known as the daddy-you-won't-hold-me hold. Bravo daddy. This is a tricky hold.

Our favourite of the day: Nepean Dam

What can I say, water will always win with me, and apparently my family also. There was more than one lesson in not climbing the dam walls. I love the pic of Craig giving Henry a lesson, while pointing to the walls and the sign. Straight after he tried to climb it. Then, many lessons later, he climbed a thick pipe NEXT TO the wall. New rule: anything bolted to the dam wall COUNTS as the dam wall. He always makes me laugh (while trying to act stern - what a challenge!!!) Jack found a stick, which came on the adventure with us. Not at all happy I wouldn't let him take the fashioned-into-a-spear stick home. Thank goodness it was a National Park: we can only take photos. We spent a long time here, for much of it alone. So amazingly beautiful!

Not the dam wall. Climbing allowed.

These are the dam walls. Lesson in action.

Because I rarely include photos of me.

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